Significance of dynamic simulation test of circulating cooling water
Dynamic simulation test is a test method to study the corrosion and scaling of circulating cooling water system. Simulate the cooling water quality of the production site to prepare and directly use the site water if possible. The test tube is ∮10×1 or ∮19×2mm. The flow rate of water in the design pipe is about 1.0m/s, the water temperature at the inlet of the heat exchanger is 25 ~ 45℃, the temperature difference between the inlet and outlet is about 5℃, the fluctuation of the water temperature at the inlet is ±0.02℃, and the concentration multiple is 2 ~ 5 times. The test period is generally 7 ~ 14 days, some up to a month. Test tubes of the tube after knot speed check made by determination of fouling resistance, different temperature, the average pitting and scale thickness data, tube and coupon corrosion rate) and analyze the composition of scale sample made by comprehensive judgment of circulating cooling water corrosion and scaling tendency, the test device is dynamic, the heat transfer surface, as the single pipe or tube type heat exchanger, simulation of the cooler in the production of material, It is an ideal comprehensive test method to evaluate the water stable formula and process conditions in the laboratory. The experimental data can provide the basis for pilot test and field application.
Our company just developed in recent years, the introduction of domestic monitor of corrosion and scaling, its principle is the same as the scale and dynamic monitoring devices, this new instrument can not only assess dynamic scaling condition, a heat load, also to assess the corrosion condition, the difference is: corrosion fouling monitoring of heat exchange tube directly by electric heating, cold water flows through the heat pipe outside at the same time.
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